Local Elections 2023

Local Elections 2023

There are local council elections coming up on 18th May 2023 and we have made a mini manifesto for students from our Cost of Survival Report calling on candidates to use their powers if elected to stand up for students in their council area. 

It is also really important you get out and vote in these upcoming elections. 

Why? Our future will be built by the students and young people of today. But only if they are heard. Voting gives power, influence, and a stake in society.  

When politicians make decisions, they look at who is on the electoral register and who votes. So it is crucial that all young people and students are registered to vote. Register by Friday 28th April.  

You need to show Photo ID to vote in Northern Ireland, more on the rules around it here 

Don’t have Photo ID? NUS have teamed up with CitizenCard to offer students a free voter ID with the code NUS or click on this link.  


You can use the card to prove your age and identity - enter pubs, clubs, take domestic flights, use as Voter ID and buy age-restricted goods in shops. 


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