Support Students, Increase EMA

Support Students, Increase EMA

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NUS-USI is your national union representing all university and college students in Northern Ireland.

We are unique, as one of the first organisations in Northern Ireland that was set up to work on both an all - Ireland and all – UK basis.   

Latest Updates

NI Students Set To Receive 20 Percent Uplift to Student Maintenance Loans

Economy Minister Announces 20% Increase to Student Maintenance Loans Economy Minister Conor Murphy MLA has today announced a 20% increase in maximum student maintenance loans for the 2025/26 academic year. This follows a 40% increase in the 2023/24 academic year, demonstrating a continued commitment to supporting students facing cost of...

Joint statement from NUS-USI and USI/AMLÉ on the permanent ban on puberty blockers in NI

NUS-USI & USI/AMLÉ stand in solidarity with the Trans community in Northern Ireland following the distressing decision by the Northern Ireland Executive to permanently ban puberty blockers to under-18s, and we also stand firmly against the UK government’s similar actions in England. NUS-USI & USI/AMLÉ condemn these harmful decisions, which...

NUS-USI President issues statement as total outstanding student loan debt tops £5 billion milestone in Northern Ireland

The total outstanding student loan debt for people living in Northern Ireland has topped £5 billion for the first time. NUS-USI President Ben Friel has issued a statement:

How will SDLP deliver for students at the General Election? | Analysis of GE24 Manifesto

SDLP have released their party manifesto for the General Election. Politics affects all of us, but sometimes manifestos can be hard to understand. That's why we will be breaking down what the major parties' manifestos say about the issues that matter to students.  We've had a look at the policies most...

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